Avastui.exe and many other EXE related errors are mostly related to issues with the Windows registry. Many different programs tend to share a single avastui.exe file but once these programs are programs are altered or uninstalled, what is left behind is a bunch of invalid EXE registries.
This means that while the actual location of the file is now something else, the windows registry still has the incorrect location recorded in it. Thus, when windows try to look for file references, what it is actually searching is incorrect, as the location is not different, and this causes errors.
Additionally, malware infection tends to leave the registry entries that are linked to avastui corrupted, so the root to all problems is the invalid EXE registry entries. Only a professional expert for PC service should go ahead with manually editing windows registry the expert can be reached at Avast Helpline Number UK.
If the windows registry is edited incorrectly, the registry will hinder the proper functioning of the PC along with causing irreversible damage to the operating system. If you make an error as simple as misplacing a coma, the PC might not boot at all. Therefore, it is advisable to use a registry cleaner that is trusted and reliable, so that it can repair and scan any problems related to the avastui.exe registry.
Some other advantages of a registry cleaner include automatically looking for any of the invalid registry entries, missing file references and any other broken links in the registry similar to the one that is most likely to be causing the avastui.exe error throughout the system.
Before every single scan takes place, it also creates a backup for you, so that you all of the changes that are made can be undone with a simple click on the mouse. This also protects you against any PC damage. A huge plus in that when you opt to repairs your registry errors, it will also enhance your system performance and system speed dramatically.
However, if you still wish to repair your windows registry manually, you should begin by exporting a chunk of the avastui.exe related registry to create a backup. To create the backup, press the start button and in the search box you see, type command but do not press enter. Instead, press enters while holding down Ctrl+Shift on the keyboard.
You will see a permission dialog box where you will have to click yes. On a black box with a cursor that will keep blinking, type in regedit and press enter. Once you are in the registry editor, click on whichever key is related to avastui.exe which you want to create a backup for.
Next, choose export from the file menu and in the list for Save In, click on the folder which you wish to set as the location for the backup. In the box asking for the file name, enter a name and make sure that you have chosen Selected Branch in the box titled Export range.
Finally, click on Save. This will be saved with the file extension .reg and will be a backup of the avastui.exe. Another precaution you can take is against any malware, as this error may also be related to malware infection of your PC, which can corrupt, damage or delete the files for more info contact the technician at Avast Helpline Number UK.
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